Sunday, July 18, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Channing Gail!

Last Sunday my sweet girl turned 5. She even starts kindergarten next month. She thought she got to start Kindergarten on Monday since she's now 5. She doesn't quite understand how all that works.

For her b-day she received a new bike but there aren't any birthday pics yet because her bday party is being delayed until Aug.

I wanted to wait until school started so she could invite her new friends from school. So, look for pictures coming after Aug 21. We are having a Hannah Montana impersonator come put on a concert for the girls. I'm so excited. Channing invites everyone she meets to her party! Who knows how many little girls will be there. Some of Sullivan's former 2nd grade classmates are dying to come.

Here's a few pictures of things that kept her busy this past year as a 4 year old...

At the ball with Grandpa...

Posing for a photos for a friend's clothing line...

competing in a cheer competition with young champions...

Playing thing 1 at brothers' school....

gymnastics at the Redbird game....

learning to swim.....

Graduating preschool!