Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sisters weekend

The Shankle sisters are once again gearing up for a girls weekend. My mom started these after my dad passed away. There are 4 "original" Shankle sisters and 2 joined the group after the misfortune of marrying into the group. We went to Gatlinburg first, where we were spotted laughing our heads off at a theatre show. We were also seen getting our "old timey" pictures taken. On one of the Gatlinburg trips, we celebrated mom's 60th birthday (or should I say hottie).

We followed the Gatlinburg trips with a trip to Myrtle Beach. Little did we know, this would be the last girls weekend with mom. She passed away a month later. It is a wonderful memory to have even though she was very tired during this trip. She looked great and enjoyed spending some time with Channing. The sisters were spotted parasailing on this trip and the entire group was spotted leaving an expensive restaurant before ordering. We have since carried on mom's girls weekend tradition with an annual sister's trip.

The first one without mom was a cruise to the Bahamas. It was loads of fun and several sisters earned nicknames on that trip: Trippy Longstocking, Forgetful Freida or Bertha Certificate and Christopher Clutzo, (Dumb and Dumber was not earned on this trip). Yes we were a bit mischievous. Annette made us all shirts that said, "What happens with the sisters, stays with the sisters." They were a hit on the cruise. Many strangers weren't sure what kind of "sisters" we were since none of us look a lot alike. All I know is I did get us some "free" goodies on the cruise and we were noticed during the comedy show. If you go to the Bahamas, you have to get your hair braided,right? Well, 2 got our heads completely braided, 2 got half their heads braided and 2 got a couple of braids. I'm not partial or anything but the ones with their entire heads braided looked the coolest!

Anyways, the cruise was a huge hit and we all hope to go on another one together again. The following year we went white water rafting and horseback riding in West Virginia. All I'm saying is no one fell out of the boat but 1 came REAL close. I think my bottom is still bruised from that delightful 3 hour tour on the horse. A milestone birthday was celebrated on this trip (40) and others are sure to be celebrated in the future. The cabin ( I won't name names on who booked the trip) was a little less than desirable and I doubt any of us will return there soon.

Which now brings us to this year's trip. We are planning a wild and crazy (lol) weekend at Disney. Two of the "sisters" have never been to Disney so this will be lots of fun. We also hear there's some kind of balloon ride to explore. This trip you will probably see the sisters sporting our original shirts made by Annette, followed up with new minnie shirts made by Annette, and princess shirts made by me and some cute (if I do say so myself) Minnie flip flops made by yours truly.

One quick note on the princess shirts. In a night of brainstorming with a couple "sisters", we developed princess names for each of us: The eldest, responsible individual who keeps track of all us...Snowette. The unfortunate in-law who is very patient (probably closer to saint hood)who is married to a 6'4 "beast" is Lisabelle. Then there is the clean freak. Constantly cleaning up after everyone is Chantella. The next sister really prefers not to wear dresses, ever so she's the princess who prefers "pants" Tonasmine. Then the one sister-in-law who makes us all sick cause, well, she's tiny, well she's the only one that would look good in a bikini is Amandriel and then there's little ol' me. I am NOT a beauty unless I get my sleep so I am Shanora.

I can't wait to tell you guys all about our trip. It is sure to be an adventure!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Today I am blogging about MOMS at Bellevue. I started attending MOMS back when Sullivan (now 7) was just a baby. At that time, I just needed some mommy time away from my precious bundle of joy and MOMS did that. But, once I started, I understood why so many mommas were there. It wasn't just for the childcare but for the uplifting message Jean would deliver every week. Because she writes studies that I personally need to hear, I have enjoyed participating in these studies. Unfortunately, I find myself falling WAY behind getting in the word when I'm not actively doing a bible study so these studies keep me doing what I need to be doing.

During the small group time, I have been encouraged as a momma and prayed over. Since I started MOMS, I've lost both parents, had another child and my oldest had brain surgery. During those moments, I've felt the love and support from the other moms in my small group. Every week I was amazed and uplifted by Jean's message. Many times I found myself in tears like she was specifically speaking to me. Stop getting angry with my kids, enjoy the moments with my kiddos because my time with them is short, pray over my family and prepare my mind and heart to teach my babies. I know that being a part of the MOMS bible study has made me a better momma, a better wife and a better Christian. Here is a link to Jean Stockdale's blog where you can find more information on the MOMS bible study: