Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy birthday Sullivan!

Today my sweet little boy celebrates his 7th birthday. He was officially 7 at 5:48am. Looking back I remember the joy of becoming a mommy though it's also hard to remember a time when I wasn't a mommy. I love getting to be a mom though, wow, it's not easy. Sometimes I wish there was a handbook but then I would be held accountable for not reading it and well let's face it, if it's not super interesting, I'm not gonna read it!

I remember right after Sullivan was born calling my mom and telling her he was it. No more for me. I was in a lot of pain and still remember quite vividly how sick I was the entire pregnancy. Mom reminded me that it wouldn't be long before I would forget all that and want another. She was right, though it took me 3 years before I was ready to "have" another. I can't say that I've ever forgotten the pain or the sickness, but I definitely know he was worth it.

My first born is 7 today. Wow. It really is hard to believe I've already parented him for 7 years. His birthday party is going to be next weekend since this weekend is Memorial Day. Here's wishing my sweet, sweet boy a very Happy 7th birthday.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thank you to everyone who either donated money or came out to support me in the Relay for Life. I raised $170 this year for cancer research. I had a really fun night, chatting with teachers and PTA friends. One of my sweet friends from the Women's club came back at midnight to walk with me to keep me company. That was one of the highs for the night while one of the lows running water and port-o-potties! Not my favorite. I ended up getting home around 2 am. Next year, the relay committee is thinking about doing the relay in the town square. That would be better...running water!

Saturday evening we loaded up the kids and went to listen to music on the square. The kids liked running around with other kids while Craig and I enjoyed sitting and listening to the music. Hopefully we can make it to listen again on another weekend.

This week was the last week of school for Channing and Sullivan. Sullivan's school spent one day at the Collierville playground and on another gave out awards. Sullivan is exciting for summer break to begin.

Channing had an end of the year program at her school. It was funny to see her up on stage completely uncomfortable and so not like her. She seemed embarrassed by all the attention and I was surprised. I thought she would absolutely love being on stage.

Dalton still has another half a week of school before he gets a small break before summer school.

With school only being out for 2 of them for only half a week, I can already tell it's going to be a LONG summer. I hope I can find some fun things to fill our days so we all don't go crazy.