We finally had Sullivan's movie party. The weather was perfect and Craig got an awesome projector and screen from work.
Sullivan helped me make the cupcakes. I took marshmallows and cut an x in the middle to make them look like popcorn. Sullivan was so surprised at how much it really looked like popcorn. He giggled as he decorated the cupcakes hoping that when his friends came he could "trick" them.

He did and the kids thought the cupcakes were so cool. Sullivan just grinned. We had about 17 kids come, friends and siblings were invited while parents were encouraged to have a date night. The kids played together so well playing soccer, riding the trucks, and running around. After some fun play time, we popped some popcorn and started the movie. Sullivan picked out the cartoon version of the nutty professor. After popcorn, I sugared the kids up with their choice of movie theatre candy.

Sullivan had a great time at his party and that's what it's all about!

That looks like so much fun and those cupcakes are such a cute idea.