Friday, April 10, 2009

good Friday

Happy Good Friday. As the Peterson household prepares for Easter, we had a good discussion yesterday in the car. Sullivan was excited about not having school today because it is Good Friday. I wanted to talk to him about what that meant and he already knew. He proudly announced, "Mom, Friday is good because Jesus died on the cross for our sins." Channing chimed in, "Yes mommy, Jesus died on the cross." Sullivan then exclaimed, "and on the 3rd day, Jesus rose from the dead!" Yes, indeed. Praise God!

I love hearing my kids talk so openly about what Jesus has done for us. Sullivan still hasn't had enough courage to walk forward at church but I feel he's very close. Dalton continues to encourage Sullivan to come forward to get Baptized but I think the idea of having to speak to someone discourages Sullivan. Mrs. Sherri at church has offered to be there when he comes forward if that will help. Sullivan seems encouraged by that but still hasn't made the decision to walk forward yet.

I don't want to rush him because I want him to completely understand what coming forward means. Craig said at the Passion Play this year, Sullivan was brought to tears at the idea of what Jesus has done for us. Please lift Sullivan up in your prayers that he will be able to overcome his fear and come forward at church when he is ready.

I hope you all have a Happy Easter.

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