Thursday, March 5, 2009

Never a dull moment

Last night went pretty well. The clamp was left open on the shunt all night so no complaints of headaches. We were just up and down with having to go to the potty every couple of hours. I'll take that over headaches any day.

This morning we did get a little drama though. Right after we walked to the bathroom and Dalton sat down, he was telling me his head hurt when he turned his head. I asked him to show me and point to the pain and when he of the tubes on his shunt came loose and hit the floor in the bathroom, leaking CSF all over the bathroom floor. Sadly I think Dalton and I were the calmest ones in the room. The PCA panicked....called the nurse, she ran down panicked called the charge nurse. All the while, I'm standing there holding the tubing elevated so no more CSF leaked out.

Once Dalton was back in bed, he had to go through the sterile process of getting new tubing on the external shunt. What a way to start the day, and the morning had started off so unremarkable!

Now I'm watching this very unhelpful DVD on hydrocephalus for our surgery scheduled tomorrow at 11:00.

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