Thursday, March 5, 2009

shunt tomorrow?

We think Dalton is getting a shunt tomorrow. The neurosurgeon did come in and try to answer some of my questions. Unfortunately, I did get some, "we just don't know." I hate those kind of answers. One question I wanted to know was if this hydrocephalus was in fact due to blood leaking into the CSF from previous surgeries (this is what another on-call neurosurgeon told us as to why she felt Dalton was struggling with hydrocephalus.)

His response was that absolutely no blood got in the CSF on our most recent surgery so that was not the cause. He feels this hydrocephalus was caused by scarring created by this stinkin' staph infection! Arggggggh! I'm just so frustrated as maybe this shunt could have been avoided if somehow....I don't know how to even finish that thought. I know no one purposefully wanted Dalton to get staff infection during surgery but there's got to be some way to prevent this from happening to others!

Thank you to the precious visitors who came to see Dalton. There was one in particular he was very excited to see, his best friend from school De came. When I mentioned De was coming, Dalton's face brightened. I am so thankful his momma brought him down to visit. I know it's not the easiest drive. Mrs. Sherri from Faith came while De was here. Faith has been wonderful sending visitors or calling to check on my little guy. He also had some Bellevue visitors stop in, Mrs. Sherry-good friend of mine and Mrs. Houseal. I hate I missed the sweet visit but my husband had sent me away to get a break from the hospital. That sweet man of mine scheduled me a hair appointment that was so nice. I always feel so much better after I go see Mark to cover my gray and get a new look.

I mentioned we think we're having surgery tomorrow. There are 2 possible reasons it may not happen. 1. Dalton has continually ran a "low grade" temp of 99 but sometimes up to 101. They took blood to rule out any other type of infection.
2. The other possible hold up is that another child will be having brain surgery for a tumor prior to Dalton's surgery. Depending how long that surgery lasts will determine if we are able to have the shunt surgery tomorrow or Saturday. Please pray for this child too. I don't know any info on him or her but I can only imagine what those parents are going through. A brain tumor seems so much worse than this shunt I've been praying for us not to have to get.

On to Sullivan's school today they had a booster-a-thon where kids walked laps etc...for pledges. The maximum number of laps was 35 but not all kids did 35....of course Sullivan did. Sorry to all you who pledged and now owe based on 35 laps. He enjoys walking/running so I wasn't surprised. I am so proud of him for his strong finish!

And now to a special heart felt thanks. Thanks to everyone who are following this blog to pray for my sweet boy. So many people have contacted us or friends to find out what they can do for him. He is such a remarkable little guy who seems to either have a smile or a hug waiting for you right when you need one. Just pray for the doctor's wisdom for the surgery and steady hands during the surgery. We pray for a quick recovery so we can get Dalton home and back to his normal jolly, loving self. Thanks friends for everything....

1 comment:

  1. We are waiting and praying with you! Thank you so much for keeping us all updated and for sharing your wonderful family!
