Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tough day

Today was not a good day for Dalton. He couldn't shake the headaches when the external shunt was clamped. I stepped away today so Martia and Jerry Peterson sat with him. They said he ate a good breakfast but beyond that he just slept.

When I got back, the neurosurgeon Dr. Muhlbauer came to see us. He agreed he wanted to wait as long as possible about the permanent shunt but just shook his head discouragingly with the updates on the poor tolerance of the external shunt being clamped. He stated that we were not scheduled for a shunt tomorrow so now I'm completely confused! It truly had me questioning my sanity...did I dream that? No, I did hear that so not sure what changed, but I'm happy that we have a little more time to try to get Dalton's body to reabsorb the CSF. I'll keep you updated.

But the neurosurgeon saga continues....Dr. Boop, our normal neurosurgeon (the one who just got back from Serbia), will be going out of the country again next week. This time he will be in Tel Aviv and unavailable. Yikes....I keep telling myself....God is in control. I know this in my head and in my heart but boy is it hard to give up all the control and just TRUST the Lord completely. Pray for a good night...good fluid pressure...no headaches. I pray my precious Heavenly Father wraps His arms around my sweet baby boy and keeps him from all this pain.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girl - I have never done this blog thing, but what a great idea and great pictures. Dalton's smile is so sweet! Yes God is in control, no matter how hard that may be at times and he is the almighty healer!! We will trust in him with you and see Dalton through. Keep us posted and always know to call if you need anything!
    Love ya,
    Janice, Tim and Girls
