Monday, March 9, 2009

calling all nurses (or non wimps)

Great! (with sarcasm) Looks like we're going home tomorrow(and maybe tonight if it gets worked out) on IV antibiotics but here's the kicker...I will be administering the antibiotic, the saline, the heparin.......what! This is crazy. Why is there home health if I'm the one doing all the work? My head is still spinning that I will be the one administering the antibiotics every 6 hours...any nurse out there wanna come supervise and make sure I don't do something detrimental? Yeah, yeah, I hear it's no biggie, I even demonstrated I could do it. The problem isn't that I can or can't (shoot I could do almost anything if needed...scalpel please....) but this is something I am not crazy about doing at all.

Changing the subject, Dalton had a really good day today. So far, I've been able to bypass morphine with Ibprofen and naps. Dalton worked on standing and sitting with OT and PT. He won't be able to walk until we get something done with his braces. Currently his braces fit around his waist (where his incision is). I'm trying to see if we can get them unattached from the metal rod so he can wear just the DAFO part.

We tried to play Wheel of Fortune through the Lebonheur channel but I found there were some 12 and 13 year olds much better at the game than I was. Poor Dalton didn't have a chance. He enjoyed calling in and hearing his voice on the t.v. while he made a letter guess. That was pretty cool. Later he and I travelled down to the lobby for a scrapbooking activity. We got our picture made and decorated a page. It turned out pretty sweet. He did a great job and we enjoyed just being out of the room. So, looks like we'll be heading home tomorrow. Yay.

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