Friday, March 13, 2009

on our own

Last night Dalton's temperature spiked back up to 101.6. We got behind 2 hours on the tylenol when I stepped out to play some volleyball with my sunday school class. When we got home (in-laws sat with Dalton), his body was very warm. We got a dose of tylenol in him as well as a cold towel and the temp started going back down slowly. Thankfully, we were able to make it another night at home.

Would you believe I woke up this morning with pink eye? eye. Oh the joys! I guess it could be worse.

The Peterson 5 are officially on our own. The in-laws packed up and headed out the door this morning. It's time we find a routine that works for us with all 3 kids in tote. Martia had to get back home and refill her prescriptions. They are hoping not to get any calls saying we need them back but will come if we need.

So we're still counting down...3 days down, 25 more to go.

1 comment:

  1. If you need anything, please call us. Our number is in the database on Yahoo.

    Katie Becton
