Tuesday, March 10, 2009

maybe going home

So why is it that the time change and the 6am rounds for the neurosurgeons doesn't seem to matter to them? I, on the other hand, still find myself awakened from the seemingly (I've just reached my deepest sleep) point, discombobulated, trying to unstick my gooey eyes and speak with a somewhat pleasant tone to answer how was last night.

I know we had a difficult time somewhere in the night, but my brain hasn't quite fired as I search for my notebook with times, details, etc....I planned ahead, I know my brain is quite mush these days so I try to write the important stuff down.

Last night, early this am. Dalton woke up complaining of both a headache and a belly ache. We called for meds but we had to wait for them to come up from pharmacy (about 50 min!) Just ibprofen, not even the big stuff. During that time, Dalton was praying that God would take away his pain and then asking me with his big browns, why God hadn't. All I could eek out from my teary eyes was I don't know, God knows and one day you can ask him.

I told him I wish I could take his pain away and asked if there was anything I could do. He asked me to come snuggle with him and rub his back. Of course I did. After about 30 minutes, the headache went away but he was still grunting in pain from the pain in his belly. He also had developed either a tremor or shaking as his body trembled. He said he was cold so I added another blanket. The trembling continued for about 40-45 min. If we would have been home, I surely would have made the drive back down to Lebonheur ER b/c I had no idea what was going on.

Anyways, the ibprofen came and Dalton was able to calm and go to sleep. I reviewed my notes with the doctors. It's always hard to tell with them what they're thinking. I also threw in that his walking yesterday was worse than the day before even though his pain tolerance seemed to be better yesterday. So, we are looking at still going home today, just a little later this afternoon after PT comes work with him. Not sure that will really do anything except delay the process. I'm surprised the other symptoms didn't really seem to matter much. I'm just hoping if there is an issue that needs to be looked at, we figure it out before we get discharged home.

Now after thinking about the me administering the IV thing, I've done the math and realized....when am I supposed to get anything done and when am I supposed to sleep? I am supposed to give the antibiotic every 6 hours, and it takes 2 hours to infuse. I am thinking Craig is going to have to learn too b/c I don't think I can do every night shift. Yikes.

I guess we'll figure that one out. I'm still stumped home health doesn't do it but anyways...I'm hoping we get out of here so at least I can get some rest in my own bed. I'm tired of "sleeping" on this couch.

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